Kathleen DePasse: I am a Pittsburgh visual artist who draws and paints and works from life now almost exclusively in an attempt to capture, in 2D, the energy of the moment in my art. I draw and paint the people, things, and places around me. I always work to completion - in one sitting. My shop and ceramics studio is in Benezette, Elk County PA. I do conventional stoneware firings, but about 4 years ago, I began exploring raku and barrel firing - I love the surprises and the physicality of these processes - still so much to discover there. At NuthatchStudios in Benezette, I exhibit and sell wheel thrown and hand built pottery and plein air paintings and drawings of the Elk Country alongside the wood craft of my husband Vic and son Martin. We are open weekends April through November or by appointment. We are at 8778 route 555 in Benezette - call 814-787-4004. I post on Facebook at Kathleen DePasse Art OR NuthatchStudios; on Instagram as kdepasseart.